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Top 10 Reasons to Play Futsal


FIFA's Futsal rewards the same basic skills, tactics and knowledge of the game as the 11v11

outdoor game.

Ball Touches

In a statistical study comparing Futsal to indoor arena soccer with walls, players touch the ball

210% more often.

Ball Control

With limited space, an out of bounds and constant opponent pressure, improved ball control

skills and technique are required.

Speed of Play

With limited space, constant opponent pressure and a 4 second restart rule players learn to play

and think fast.

Mandatory Support

Without a wall as a crutch, players must make supporting runs when their teammates have the


Continuity of Play

Action is continuous so players are forced to continue the play instead of stopping and



With four court players and all the basic options of the outdoor game in non-stop action mode,

players' understanding of the game is enhanced.

Framing the Goal

The goal and Penalty Area are a perfect size for narrowing the angle so teams learn to frame

the goal to score goals.

Encouraged Learning

FIFA's Laws Of The Game of Futsal, encourage playing a skilled game by punishing all physical

contact fouls.


Players enjoy the challenge of playing a fast-paced-fun-skill-oriented game that test their


Many top players have developed their game through playing Futsal:

Neymar, PSG forward

Futsal helps a lot because you need to think quickly. It's a more dynamic game and today in

Europe there's not much space so you need to think quicker and futsal has helped me a lot with

that. Futsal is one of my passions. I always loved to play, but unfortunately I had to stop to

progress on the football pitch.

Hulk, FC Zenit forward

I played some futsal when I was five or seven years old, I liked it a lot. Anyone who plays futsal

a lot will end up showing what they have learned on the football pitch too. There are some

tactical moves in futsal which are much more difficult to break out from, but when you have

some experience in futsal it ends up being easier.

I think the fans love futsal because of the smaller pitch, you're closer to goal although the goal is

a bit smaller, but I think that it's the number of goals that makes the fans enthusiastic.

Despite it being a pitch for ten players, four each side plus the goalkeepers on both teams, there

is a lot of movement. You run a lot. You might not think so, but it's like the movement we have

during a football match, although I think there's even a bit more movement in futsal than in

football on a grass pitch.

Cristiano Ronaldo, Juventus Forward

The small playing area helped me improve my close control, and whenever I played futsal I felt free. If it wasn't for futsal, I wouldn't be the player I am today.

Lionel Messi, FC Barcelona Forward

If it wasn't for futsal, I wouldn't be the player I am today.

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