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Meet The Team


Daniel Ayeni

Head Coach/Welfare Officer

Daniel is the founder of Pure Futsal & Fundamental Football Academy and Sutton Futsal League.


He is an FA License Coach (FA Level 2 Coaching Football, FA Level 2 Coaching Futsal).


He has a passion for football which he has translated into coaching children, youths and adults. He uses his knowledge and experience to make sure every child he comes in contact with has a positive experience and able to develop their football skills in the technical, psychological, physical and social area. He never considered coaching children until 2012 when he was looking for the most effective ways to teach his then 5 years old son how to play football with the right technical approach. That desire started his journey as a coach and he hasn’t looked back since then. He has had the wonderful privilege of coaching over 600 children and players since that.

Daniel’s experience includes playing Futsal in the FA Fives Futsal League as player/coach and has made an appearance as a striker for St. Lawrence FC (reserve team) in the Sevenoaks and District Football League. Somehow, he manages to find time to run Sutton Futsal League which he founded in 2014 and have provided opportunities for over 300 youth and adult players to play competitive Futsal under Surrey FA affiliation. He enjoys playing both Futsal and recreational football weekly for fun and to bring people from different backgrounds together with the aim of building a strong community through sports.


Once he’s able to find the time, Daniel has plans to complete the FA Level 3 (UEFA B) in Coaching Football.

Eddie Plant

Development/Health & Safety

I came from a generation of the sixties when soccer was the most popular participation sport for inner city lads. This love of football has been ingrained to this day. I could not count the number of different Saturday and Sunday teams played for nor the cups and shields won. One thing is for sure, I have never been short of friends along the way in the game.


When at the age of 36 I attended Surrey FA preliminary coaching courses and had the added experience of learning alongside a number of Sutton United players. Several seasons thereafter I was player/coach with a team in the highly competitive London Commercial League. With my playing days at an end Saturdays now allowed me to follow my favourite team Sutton United. Over recent years I have represented Sutton United in Walking Football tournaments meeting such sides as Portsmouth and Wimbledon. I regularly play at the ground and watch the Sutton first team training sessions and naturally closely follow events at their matches. Daniel, who I have the highest regard for, approached me a couple of years ago to assist with the coaching role. I felt it an honour and only too pleased to accept giving something back to the game. It has been a challenging experience but patience is the reward, when you see these children develop.

Eddie is a valuable member of our coaching team and all the kids look up to him and his coaching drills and technical information.


Matthew Bridger

Player Support, resources and equipment.


Matthew Bridger joined the club when he was 8 years old as player. Now 14 years he is currently our youngest coach.


After spending six years as a player for the club before joining the coaches, he us able to use his experience to work with young players, guide and motivate them to do their best as he has been there himself. Matthew is a fantastic left back and already has a talent for defensive tactics that will make any club proud to have him as part of their coaching team.


He is looking to do stage his FA Level 1 coaching in the near future.


“Coaching has made me more confident and helped me take my mind off other issues. It has been fun working with the other coaches and helping the players improve. As a coach I have learnt so much these past few years. This club is not like any other. It’s like a family and I won't forget that”.

Ryan Skipp

Player Support

Hi, my name is Ryan Skipp, I am a 2nd year sports coaching student at the University of Roehampton and I am a Fulham fan. 


I started working with Daniel as a coach at Fundamental Football Academy over 3 years ago. In that time I have developed as a coach and a teacher. I have grown a real passion for doing what I do, helping the children become better players and doing my part for the community.

Bradley Hargraves

Player Development & Performance

Bradley is currently a University Student Studying Player Development and Football coaching with Chelsea football club and working towards obtaining his level 1 and 2 FA coaching badge whilst at his first year at university.


He has had stints of coaching with Local Sunday league team Wandle Wanderers and Millwall Community Trust. He has a passion for coaching as much as he loves playing and wants players to being more tactically aware about the Sport so they can perform better when competing on the pitch.

Bradley first started playing football from age 11 playing for his local Sunday league side Wandle Wanderers (Tandridge football league) which training with Chelsea football club foundation. He then moved to Balham Blazers and played at the highest level of Tandridge league football and won Golden boots 4/5 seasons scoring a record 47 goals in one season. From this he played in showcase games for London FC which gave him trails are Millwall football club and went on to spend two years there and is now at St.Mary's University Studying Football coaching.

Bradley is a valuable member of our coaching team and all the kids look up to him and his coaching drills and technical information.

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